Avaliação de conforto termico : contribuição a aplicação pratica das normas internacionais




In Brazil, a country with a predominantly hot and humid climate, there is a lack bibliographical material on subject of thermal comfort evaluation avaliable. On the other hand exist a world wide search for information to enable the construction of comfortable and energetically economic buildings. This work explains the method established in the ISO 7730 (1994) for evaluating thermal comfort and makes a brief report about its normative references. The practical application of the norms is also theoretically analyzed, discussing the errors in the estimation of metabolic rate and thermal insulation of c1othingand its influence on the thermal comfort evaluation. This research concludes that, because of the great influence of metabolic rate and thermal insulation of c1othing,the use of tables for the overall estimate of thermal comfort can lead to considerable errors that may result in an unreal forecast of the thermal sensation. Those errors are due to the fact that the choice of listed values does not consider individual differences, equipments used, rhythm and type of work to be analysed. The inherent subjectivity of the process influences evaluations, due mainly to training level differences of observers... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


conforto termico ergonomia

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