Avaliação da Sustentabilidade do Biodiesel de Soja no Brasil




Biodiesel production in Brazil is currently being sustained mainly by soybean cultivation, mixed with methanol. There is a discussion about the possibility of this soybean-based production can contribute to develop the country in a sustainable manner, taking into account social, economic, environmental and strategic aspects. On the other hand, all those related to agroenergy activities, including public policy makers, are interested in using ethanol derived from sugar cane, instead of methanol. There are economic, strategic and environmental reasons for this. With the introduction of biodiesel blends in 2008, the country begins a new stage of its energy history. In this way, the present text seeks to answer questions about the potential for productive regionalization, logistics, environmental impacts from different blends of production, creation of job and trade balance behavior. Based on the use of data and information arising from public and private entities, it was possible to obtain and create primary data that, joined with secondary data, allowed a glimpse about how effectively soybean biodiesel production is oriented towards sustainable development. The analysis was applied in 14 states, including the Federal District. The criteria for selecting these states was access to and regional availability of raw material (soybean and sugar cane). Some of the results reached by the study indicate that commodities such as soybean are highly dependent on the international market, affecting in this way biodiesel production; the possibilities of creating jobs are minimal; B2, B5 and B10 biodiesel blends do not minimize in significant levels the quantity of gases that are emitted to the atmosphere; the fate of glycerin generated from these blends is still being studied; and a possible reduction in imports arising from the introduction of the soybean biodiesel blends will help reduce foreign currency expenditures


dependência energética cadeia produtiva agroenergy oleaginosas oil extraction social inclusion adequacao ambiental soybean biodiesel esmagamento sugar cane cana- de-açúcar energetic dependence agroenergia biodiesel de soja, processo de produção de biodiesel inclusão social productive chain glicerina biodiesel production process ethanol glycerin etanol oil plants

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