Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de amostras de mercado de queijo mussarela, elaborado a partir de leite de búfala (Bubalus bubalis). / Evaluation of the microbiology quality of mozzarella cheese, produced with milk of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and acquired in the market.




Buffalo mozzarella cheese, main cheese obtained from buffalo milk in Brazil, is practically a recent product in the market, showing high acceptance by consumers and excellent perspectives. Following traditional italian production tecnology, this cheese is intensely manipulated during its manufacture. In this study, the microbiology quality of two commercial brands of buffalo mozzarella cheese was evaluated, being one of the brands presented in bag with whey (A) while the other one is presented in bag without whey and under vacuum (B). The samples were acquired in the Piracicaba city commerce. Microbiology analysis comprehended the determination of the MPN of total and fecal coliforms, the Listeria spp. presence / absence, the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus accounting and the Salmonella spp. presence / absence. Based on the analysis results, both brands are according to current legal microbiology standards specifications. However, the microbiology quality of the cheeses packed in bag with whey was lower than the microbiology quality of those offered in bag without whey and under vacuum.


microrganismo patogênico microbiologia de alimento comércio varejista food microbiology retail trade leite de búfala mozzarella cheese pathogenic micrirganium queijo mussarela buffalo milk

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