Avaliação da estrutura de móveis escolares de madeira de eucalipto




The main objective of this study is the evaluation of school furniture structural behavior when submitted to loads from NBR 14006/2003. Special emphasis was given to the evaluation of these furniture resistance, to the characteristics understanding of the used material (Eucalyptus grandis) and performance of the joints. The adopted joints´ dimensions (influence of the diameter and the length of dowel joints and the height and length of the mortise and tenon joints) were evaluated, as well as the used material (physical and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus cloeziana influence) and adopted adhesive - PVA and Cascamite. It could be evidenced that with the increase of dowel length occurs an increase on the joint resistance and stiffness; and that the increase of the mortise and tenon length or height causes an increase on the resistance and stiffness of this joint. Empirical models for the calculation of ultimate moment, yield moment and rotational stiffness of these joints were presented, as well as the numerical analysis of their behavior. Finally, the evaluation of a school furniture structure when submitted to the loads proposed in the NBR 14006/2003 resistance and durability tests was set. All this study aimed to guarantee the school furniture durability and use security, contributing to the national furniture industry growth.


engenharia de estruturas teses. escolas mobiliario e equipamento teses.

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