Avaliação da adesão ao tratamento com medicamentos e a qualidade de vida entre idosos em Porto Alegre e Bagé / Evaluation of treatment with medication and quality of life among the elderly in Porto Alegre and Bagé


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objectives: To identify characteristics of the accession of elderly patients to keep the treatment with medicines through the construction of a new scale. Compare the scale Morisky, other scales and the drafting of a new scale with variables: gender, age, knowing how to read and write, attend group of elderly, income, consultations, specialists, emergency consultations and hospital admissions; Examine whether the quality of life interferes in these variables and see if the quality of life interferes with the scales of membership under study. Method: The study consists of a cross-sectional study, constituted in the implementation of 245 questionnaires in the elderly of Porto Alegre and Bagé. Results: of selected questionnaire was applied to elucidate the membership goals: knowledge of medicines, remembering the therapeutic regimen, support for membership and improving access to health services and medicines. These goals make up the scales Morisky, Accession 1, Accession 2 and Hespanha categorized. While comparing these scales with sociodemographic factors and variables in question there are a combination of scale Accession 1 with people that can read and write (p = 0006), go to medical appointments (p = 0000) and consultations with specialists (p = 0020). By comparing the scale with the scale Morisky Hespanha reduced categorized people who adhere most are those who consult, Morisky (n = 164) and Hespanha categorized (n = 124) and seeking experts, Morisky (n = 177) and Hespanha categorized (n = 136). As for the quality of life, there is a significant difference in total for sex (p = 0016), knowing how to read and write (p = 0002) and emergency consultations (p = 0000). For the physical domain there are significant differences in gender (p = 0035), knowing how to read and write (p = 0038) and emergency consultations (p = 0007). For the psychological field there is a significant difference in learning to read and write (p = 0008). For the domain environment, there is a significant difference in learning to read and write (p = 0000), consultations with specialists (p = 0047) and emergency consultations (p = 0010). The quality of life compared to the scales, the accession was significant in scale Accession 2 for areas: overall physical, psychological and environmental (all with p = 0000), and the field social relations (p = 0009). And in small-scale Hespanha categorized the accession was significant for the field environment (p = 0004). Conclusions: The objectives related affect adherence to treatment with medications in the elderly. Therefore, there was the development of small scale Hespanha categorized. It is observed that there is a very important when it comes to knowing how to read and write may be related to the issue of literacy in health (health literacy). Thus, the correct understanding of medical prescriptions and a good doctor-patient relationship mean that the individual understands the reason for its therapeutic action. The improve the quality of life is guided mainly by social and environmental factors that sustain the other areas. Shows that the factors supporting (social relations, relatives, friends) to the elderly improve their quality of life.


medicamentos adherence to treatment adesão ao tratamento sociodemographic factors qualidade de vida : idoso elderly quality of life scales of membership

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