AvaliaÃÃo do Programa Nacional de Desenvolviemto da AqÃicultura: o caso da carcinicultura marinha no Nordeste




The aim of this paper was to evaluate the Program for the Development of the Marine Shrimp Farming in Northeast Brazil, from 1999 to 2001. The Technology Plan for the Farmed Shrimp then substituted this program. The analysis was focused on accomplish of the goals established by the program actions. The checked goals were the increase in area, production, productivity, income generation, value of exports, and on the environmental impacts. The discussion about the environmental aspects was mainly concerned with the shrimp farming effluents, the use of lands near the mangrove forest, and the need to proceed the Ecologic Economic Zoning of the estuaries where the shrimp farming suitable areas are located. Some aspects concerning the use of exotic species on shrimp farming were discussed comparing with other farming activities. The main discussion on credit was about the credit line created by the National Bank for the Economic and Social development. This line was called National Program for Supporting the Production of Tilapias, Marine Shrimp and Mollusks. It was discussed the results of the Constitutional Fund for the Development of Northeast Brazil â FNE, and the Agency for the Support Financing Development of Rio Grande do Norte State related to shrimp farming activities. The private sector participation on the development of this shrimp farming area of ponds was bigger than the public sector, the Program credit line participated only with 0,52%, The AGN and the FNE credit lines participated with 11,27 and 3,91% respectively


carcinicultura programa de apoio ao desenvolvimento do cultivo de camarÃo marinho no brasil administracao publica zoneamento ecolÃgico econÃmico

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