Aulas "alternativas" de leitura em lingua estrangeira : historias "provocadoras" e deslocametos de posições subjetivas




This research aimed at observing manifestations of heterogeneity (of the discourse and of the subject), and of displacements of subjective positions of the teacher and of the students in foreign language reading classes. It was based on the hypothesis that "alternative" methodological procedures could favour the emergence of displacements in a regular discourse practice which normally keeps the subjects of the classroom occupying predictable and apparently stable positions, that is, while the teacher directs the production of effects of senses, the student occupies the position of the one who has no authority to signify, or who signifies according to the teacher s gesture of interpretation. Eight "alternative" reading classes of English students at intermediate levei were analysed. The analysis was conducted in the light of a discourse perspective, which problematizes the question of the attribution of senses, the processes of the constitution of the subjects, as well as the conditions of the production of language. Speech of both the teacher and the students was analysed, as well as the written production of the latter in respect of the reading of contemporary versions of fairy tales called "provocative" stories in this study. Taking into account the tension between what seems to be the same and, at the same time, different, the analysis pointed out manifestations of heterogeneity through voices which constitute different discourse formations that intersect among themselves. Concerning the displacements, it was observed that the teacher occupied the predominant position as a hearer, while the students adopted the position of producers of effects of senses. This way, they constituted themselves as authors, taking responsibility for their own speech, problematizing senses. Their positions as readers of "provocative" stories pointed to a lesser or greater inclination on the part ofthe subject to re-signify, or re-signify itself


analise do discurso subjetividade contos de fada leitura

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