Attitude of trainees with the requirements of the large corporations / Atitudes de trainees frente às exigências das grandes corporações




Only a select group of candidates are approved in Trainee Programs that are organized annually in our country by multinational companies, these can be understood as paradigmatic institutions in contemporary society due to the large influence over it. The research objective is to know the attitudes of trainees against the requirements of the companies that they are employees. We did a qualitative research with half structured interviews with three differents employees companies. The theoretical framework was Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory of Society. From the analysis of the interviews we could infer that the attitudes of the employees against the requirements of their companies jobs are very similar: characterize by an adherence to corporate demands and a predisposition to behave in accordance with them. The results indicate that companies make use of people managements mechanisms throw the psychology of individuals, raising in these employees the idea company with little or no criticism. Trainees adhere this ideology which is ideal models successful executives and is characterized by the apology to the individual sacrifice carried out by overwork as a means to achieve a high standard of living and a power position. The link between trainees with the companies seem to be provisional and pragmatic resembling the financial capital, investing in certain business while it brings interesting profits


attitudes multinational companies trainee empresas multinacionais narcisismo narcissism atitudes individual formation trainee formação do indivíduo

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