Atendimento psicoterapêutico conjunto pais-crianças em serviço ambulatorial




This dissertation was the result of a work realized in a clinic school at the Federal University of Uberlândia.The general goal of this word was to analyze the resonance came from three family groups of children that had serious conditions of emotional illness, when psychotherapy interventions with parents and children were applied at an ambulatory. It was discussed the different concepts of how psyche is constituted and the subjectivity formation in psychoanalysis, involving family from desiring articulation between parents and children. By discussing the different ways of psychotherapy session it was analyzed parents place in psychoanalytical theories. This study aimed at searching means of treatment, in a short period of time that helped to product affective relation between parents and children. These relations were in some cases, stagnant, poor or inexistent. Three cases of autism, mental weakness and child psychosis were analyzed in a psychoanalytical treatment inspired by psycoterapical technique with parents and children. By all these applied elements, parents could rearticulate their desired worlds that helped children to be the owner of their desires, promoting subjectivity to them.


family psicose psicoterapia infantil pais e filhos psicoses infantis psicoterapia infantil-técnicas autism autismo psicologia família autismo em crianças psychosis

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