Associação entre o baixo peso ao nascer e a depressão na gestação: impacto para o SUS




Low birth weight - LBW, an important factor in determining morbidity/mortality and sequels on child development has an impact on costs to health systems. It is important to study factors that influence it, as maternal health in prenatal period, estimated cost to the Health System - SUS, by frequency of hospitalization. The study was nested in a prospective cohort of women who received prenatal care registered and delivery by SUS hospitals with intensivecare unit and intermediate in Pelotas, RS. Result that mothers with depressive episodes during pregnancy, had RO = 3.94 and IC = 1.49; 10.36 in multivariate analysis. After calculating the attributable fraction in population, it was obtained 36.17% of LBW babies of mothers with depressive episode and costs resulting from those estimated in Brazil of more than 76 million (reais), suggesting expansion of preventive and curative actions to pregnant women in the area of mental health, enabling better health outcome of infants and more appropriate use of SUS resources


depressão na gestação depressão materna baixo peso ao nascer custo de internação medicina depression during pregnancy maternal depression low birth weight admission costs

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