ASPECTOS PSICODINÂMICOS E ADAPTATIVOS DE PAIS E MÃES DE CRIANÇAS DIAGNOSTICADAS COM PARALISIA CEREBRAL / Parents of children with diagnosis of brain paralysis psychodynamics and adaptation aspects.




Before the suffering and the issues faced by parents of children with a diagnosis of brain paralysis, this paper seeks to investigate the parents psychodynamics and adaptation aspects. A clinical study was carried out involving two fathers and two mothers of children with brain paralysis from 1 to 5 years old. These parents were interviewed guided by an adaptation scales standards (EDAO) and by a projective test which revealed that the parents had gone through a critical period after knowing about their childs diagnosis and nowadays are classified with Inefficient Adaptation. Two fathers and one mother were classified with Severe Inefficient Adaptation and one mother was classified with Moderate Inefficient Adaptation. It has been identified that those parents use primitive defense mechanisms when facing the suffering caused by their childrens deficiency. It has been concluded that the parents internal resources have been preponderant to their adaptation and the brain paralysis of the children affected all the adaptation sectors of the parents.(AU)


maternidade e paternidade paralisia cerebral deficiency motherhood and fatherhood brain paralysis adaptation psicologia deficiência adaptação

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