Aspectos histologicos relacionados com a persistencia de tumor residual apos conização em pacientes com carcinoma microinvasivo do colo uterino




The treatment of microinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix is controversial, with different approaches by different services. Hysterectomy in performed in almost all cases, associated or not with more radical procedures. Nowadays, there is a trend in adopting conservative conducts, such as conization in patients with early invasion, as long as there can be assured that the whole lesion was removed. Through histological review of 163 cases treated at the Gynecological Oncology Out patient Clinic if the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University of Campinas, from 1967 to 1994, ali of them undergone simple or radical hysterectomy after conization, it was tried to stablish the risk factors for persistency of residual tumor after conization. The microinvasion size measured by the depth and length of the lesion, its focal or extensive pattern and the presence of stromal vascular space involvement did not influence the occurrence of residual tumor. Initially the surgical margins involvement in conization and the presence of HPV histological signs were associated with on increased incidence of residual tumor after this procedure. Nonetheless, the statistical analysis showed that there was interaction between HPV histological signs and surgical margins involvement on residual tumor


colo uterino - cancer colo uterino - cancer carcinoma de celulas escamosas

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