As transformações produtivas na industria textil-vestuario e seus impactos sobre a distribuição territorial da produção e a divisão do trabalho industrial




This dissertation handle with the productive changes of textile-clothing industry in the world and in Brazil – spheres increasingly linked. A central feature since the 1970’s is the rising dissociation of productive activities material (tangibles) and those that imbed immaterial (intangibles) assets; in other words productive and valorization functions. The large corporations, that direct the frame of textile-clothing industries, enlarge themselves and accumulate capital, focalizing in stages and functions associated to immaterial assets (frequently represented by R&D, design, marketing activities, trade-marks, sales and distribution channels, financial resources) and getting rid of productive activities, as commonly discerned, granting it to other corporations (by subcontracting relations) and/or internationalizing to lower cost regions/countries (overall clothing activities – labor intensive). In Brazil, the textile-clothing industry was one of the most affected since the end of the 80’s, with the commercial opening summed to the exchange valuation (in 1994). A prominent point in the 1990’s was the inter-regional labor re-configuration in national textile-clothing industry, with production and employment re-localization from the Southeast to the South and, even more, to the Northeast. However, this production displacement process is not followed, at least not in the same extension, by immaterial activities migration, which keep larger command and apropriability of originated profits all over textile-clothing chain, with expressive impacts over the employment level, labor conditions and employee remuneration.


organização industrial divisão internacional do trabalho industria textil vestuario

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