As politicas educacionais e o ensino de psicologia no ensino medio : uma analise da implementação na rede publica estadual de Maringa, Pr. (1999-2002)




This research emerged in our professional life from the concern related to the contribution of the Psychology subject on the teenagers that are coursing high school. This question has become of great importance because of the changes on the education politics after the edition of the ?Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional ? Lei nº 9393/96?, which among other: implements, reorganized and created the national curriculum parameters to high school level. In this process, the Psychology subject wasn?t proved effective. Nevertheless, some ?loose? concepts from the Psychology science were used to define the origin and principles of the curriculum parameters, guiding the student to some ways of thinking and to acquire some habits. We believe in the importance of Psychology to the development and character formation of the high school student, but as an effective school subject, with a scheduled program, aiming this population and the current reality. In this perspective, we created, by means of an extension project through U.E.M and the Psychology course, in a public high school from Maringá, a curriculum subject called Psychology. The present research in a result from the effectiveness assessments of the Psychology subject in this school as well as the theoretical research that guided this project, enabling a historic view of Psychology and its relationship with education, also revealing the political and social problems of the current economic system. In onden to lenity the importance and contribution of Psychology to the development and character formation of the teenagers during the project, we were willing to study it during the project. For that, we analyzed the answers of a questionnaire composed of open questions, applied to 59 students that attended the Psychology classes between 1999 and 2002 and the respective official documents. The results of the research demonstrated that in the data group, the teenagers who attended high school and who were having the character formed, showed a will to get to know themselves, know how to relate with themselves and others, worry about the job offers and their well being. It was possible to conclude that, besides the fact that Psychology helps the research subjects in these expectancies, they consider it very important to their lives maincy when it comes to family relationship, school relationship, wonk and affective. We can conclude that this research showed not only the utility of having a Psychology subject effective in the high school curriculum, but also the value of its contributions to the intellectual and emotional growth of the teenager


public politics educação high school level study and teaching politicas publicas psicologia - estudo e ensino psychology education ensino medio

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