As políticas agrárias durante o governo Olívio Dutra e os embates sociais em torno da questão agrária gaúcha (1999-2002) / The agrarian policies during the government of Olívio Dutra and the social clashes around the gaucho agrarian issue (1999-2002)




This paper analyzes the dynamics of implementation of the agrarian policies in Rio Grande do Sul from 1999 to 2002. In this period the simultaneous presence of two distinctive governmental strategies for the widening of the access to land in this State was observed. The first strategy was led by the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) and focused on two lines of action: a) the policy of the settlements implemented by the Regional Superintendency of INCRA; b) the agrarian credit program from the Land Bank (Banco da Terra), implemented by the Regional Delegation of MDA. The second strategy was led by the government of Olívio Dutra and it purposed at implementing a state policy of settlements and resettlements and at assisting claims from several kinds of public. The emphasis of the analyses carried out throughout this thesis is placed on the attempt to understand the dynamics of the actions developed within the scope of the federal and state government agrarian policies and of the relationships between both governments and the main social agents present on the field of agrarian conflicts. In this sense, the different governmental strategies are analyzed in an articulate way with the political struggle between social agents about the gaucho agrarian issue. On a first moment, the paper presents a comprehensive historical panel on the complexity and heterogeneity of the agrarian problems that arose in the state, highlighting their connection to the rise of the social agents participating in the political struggle within the field of agrarian conflicts. On a second moment, the paper seeks to analyze the internalization of the agrarian conflicts within the scope of the governments (federal and state) and of the state authorities responsible for the implementation of agrarian policies, in a more recent historical background. In this sense the paper shows that the tensions produced by the political struggle between the social agents caused direct repercussions on the character of the adopted agrarian policies, as well as on its rate, extension and on the definition of the instruments used. The way in which the governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Olívio Dutra diagnosed the nature of the agrarian problem and its possible solutions was intimately related with the nature of their political projects and with the composition of the social forces which supported their mandates. The comparison of their general agenda on agrarian policies with the results obtained in this period confirms that perception.


sociologia agentes sociais luta política agrarian issue agrarian policies social agents políticas agrárias political struggle questão agrária

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