As muitas faces do sucesso escolar : do real ao ideal.




This dissertation studies the relation between Leadership and school success in Basic Education of Public Schools. The research was carried through in a big sized state school that receives pupils from Basic Education (5th to 8th grades) to Secondary Education, situated in Conceição do Jacuípe, Bahia. The period of analysis dated from 2002 to 2004. The adopted methodology was the quali-quantitative approach, which it was carried through under case study form. For the collection of data it had been used questionnaires, interview scripts and scripts for accomplishment of focal group. It was necessary to awake the school and local communities interest about the success or failure of the school and its relation with the style of leadership exerted for the managing team. Parents, teachers, managing team, employees, local community, among others had constituted the citizens of this research. Other resources had been used as documentary analysis and comment of the school daily that had contributed sufficiently for characterization of the style of leadership exerted for the managing team, as also to perceive the vision of some segments of school and local community about the school success concept. The analysis of the collected data indicates that, the success is perceived in a differentiated way for the many instances in which the school composes, but it exists a unanimity in affirming that the Unit of Education searched it is a success school and this phenomenon has a strong relation with the leadership exerted for the managing team that directs it. Exactly getting some critical ones which concern to the management of the relationary sphere of the Unit of Education and suffering with as bad academic pointers as other schools, the school and local communities had affirmed that factors as academic formation of teachers, approval of some pupils in the vestibular exam, organization of the financial and administrative areas of the school are some pointers of school success. It is possible to conclude that, although it needs to reach bigger levels of social quality, an important element of an inclusion process, this school tends to fortify itself in the administrative, pedagogical and relationary spheres from a work that primes for democratic and involvement management.


educacao school success educational politics sucesso escolar leadership and school democratic management of the school gestão democrática da escola política educacional liderança educacional

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