As igrejas neopentecostais : educação e doutrinação




This article aims to elucidate the links between a church oriented informal education and religious doctrines by studying the neopentecostalism in Brazil. I chose the neopentecostalism because of its growing phenomenon among the Latin American Countries. Due to the diversity of denominations related to this trend, I chose the most expressive ones in quantitative terms: “Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus” and “Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus.” iv The analysis of the respective churches was based upon the contributions of Religions’ Anthropology and Sociology, especially in Eliade and Durkheim. The material utilized as the source for the churches’ profiles to be addressed in this study, were the books written by Edir Macedo of “Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus,” and Romildo R. Soares of “Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus.” The analysis of this source, following the content analysis of Bardin, took into consideration the most present themes, aiming to constitute a body of doctrines, faiths, and values that have influenced the members of these churches.


educação pentecostalismo igreja pentecostal autonoma

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