As determinações das crises do capital na concepção de Karl Marx




The way of capital production passes nonnally through economic crises which violently convulse their constitutional basis. The overproduction of capital, the drop of profit rates, the intersectorial disproportions, the underconsumption of the lower classes and the constantly increasing difficulties of plus-value realizations, constitute the most evident and outside manifestation of the crises. Behind these phenomenon however, are hidden the very immanent and fundamental contradiction of capital, which are the contradictions between social classes. This treatise intends, as chow in the work The Capital ofKarl Marx, to evidence that the economic contradictions that explode violently within the crises realization of plus-value f.i., may be understood in their immanence by analyzing the existent contradictions between two fundamental social classes in the way of capital production: the class of capitalist and of proletariats


crise economica economia marxista capital (economia)

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