As causas da ineficacia da legislação brasileira na proteção a saude e segurança do trabalhador na mineração carbonifera : aspectos de meio ambiente do trabalho




The mining is a strategic activity of great importance for the economical development of Brazil, however, it is potentially degrading, offering risks for the environment, collectivity and to the workers employed in the extraction of ores. The mining workers are exposed in physical, chemical, biological and psychological factors that should be eliminated, or in its impossibility, reduced at levels that do not affect their completeness health. Aiming at that objective laws were created in Brazil in order to safeguard and protect the mining workers in the Environment Work. However, data official organs demonstrate that the mining activity, mainly the carboniferous, which plowing in Brazil is accomplished in underground mines, presents highindexes of deaths, accidents, and labor deseases, comparatively to others economical activities, creating a great number of workers disabled to work. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the decisive causes of the high indexes in Brazil, through systematic analysis of norms to protect the environment of the work and the mining activity, delimiting the causes of its inefficacy in the preservation of the worker s well-being, through presentation of proposals to adapt them to the real needs of the section


carvão - minas e mineração - aspectos ambientais saude e trabalho segurança do trabalho - legislação - brasil ambiente de trabalho

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