As associações epizóicas de Hydrozoa (Cnidaria: Leptothecata, Anthoathecata e Limnomedusae): I) Estudo faunístico de hidrozoários epizóicos e seus organismos associados; II) Dinâmica de comunidades bentônicas em substratos artificiais em São Sebastião, SP. / The epizoic associations within Hydrozoa (Cnidária: Leptothecata, Anthoatehcata and Limnomedusae): I) Faunistic study of the epizoic hydrozoans and their associated organisms; II) The dinamics of benthic communities on artificial substrates from São Sebastião, SP.




2.1 The associations between animal groups and species of sponges are relatively well known and described in the literature. Of all the cnidarian groups, the most diverse associations with sponges are found among the hydrozoans. In this study, 117 species of epizoic hydroids were found on two classes of sponge substrates (Hexactinellida and Demospongiae). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydrozoans and sponges were discussed in this chapter. 3.1 Many studies describe the association between cnidarians and other organisms, even other cnidarians. In this study, 211 species of epizoic hydroids were found on two classes of cnidarian substrates (Anthozoa and Hydrozoa). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydrozoans and other cnidarians were discussed in this chapter. 4.1 The Phyllum Mollusca is one of the main groups that hydrozoans have ecological associations. On soft-bottom environments, the shells are an alternative for the organisms that need hard susbtrates to settle and grow. In this study, 143 species of epizoic hydroids were found on two classes of mollusc substrates (Bivalvia and Gastropoda). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydrozoans and molluscs were discussed in this chapter. 5.1 The polychaetes are abundant in different habitats and can be associated with many animals, even hydroids. In this study, 57 species of epizoic hydroids were found on two orders of polychaetes substrates (Aciculata and Canalipalpata). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydroids and polychaetes were discussed in this chapter. 6.1 The crustacean can be used as substrates, being their bodies and appendages overgrown by hydroid polyps. Another form of association found in the literature is indirect: the polyps grow over the gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs. In this study 72 species of epizoic hydroids were found using two classes of Crustacea (Maxillopoda and Malacostraca) as substrates. The biological aspects of the interactions between hydroids and crustaceans were discussed in this chapter. 7.1 The bryozoan colonies grow on many substrates like rocks, algae, shells, crustaceans, ascidians, hydroids, and are important fouling members that grow on artificial substrates. However, they can also serve as substrate for other animals, even hydroids. In this study, 103 species of epizoic hydroids were found on two classes of bryozoan substrates (Gymnolaemata and Stenolaemata). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydroids and bryozoans were discussed in this chapter. 8.1 The most common commensal organisms of ascidians cited in the literature are copepods, molluscs, polychaetes, nemertines and there are records of endosymbiotic hydroids. The associations between ascidians and hydroids were listed in this study, and 51 species of epizoic hydroids were found on three orders of ascidian substrates (Aplousobranchia, Phlebobranchia e Stolidobranchia). The biological aspects of the interactions between hydroids and ascidians were discussed in this chapter. 9.1 Studies on the colonization of artificial substrates are quite common in the literature. In this study, we used ceramic panels in São Sebastião, SP, in order to observe the hydroid epizoic community and their animal substrates. Twenty-five species of epizoic hydroids were found on substrates of Porifera, Cnidaria, Mollusca, Arthropoda (Crustácea), Annelida (Polychaeta), Bryozoa and Chordata (Ascidiacea). The groups of substrates defined by the correspondence analysis seem to be related to the morphological features of the substrates, and the biological and temporal factors seem to influence the ecological succession of the experimental panels.


epizoism hydrozoa and association epizoísmo hydrozoa e associação

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