Áreas verdes, identidade e gestão urbana : estudo de caso na região central de Curitiba - Paraná




Looking at the urban structures and its impacts at the environment, it is perceived that the green areas have high importance as agent of connection between the man and nature. Beyond solutions of technical problems in order to keep the urban space working adequate, the cities management should promote cultural relations between the population and the place were they live assuring their identity with local. Based on this context the main approach of the research is to study the green areas as components of the structure from the urban identity. Starting from the central hypotheses that there is necessity of formulation of own subsidies to that areas management, interpreting the green areas participation in the pattern creation and its use in the reduction of degraded visual impacts. With the objectives to identify and to analyze references on management of green areas and to verify its importance as referential in central areas, it is intended to supply subsidies to the urban management, especially as for its use as component of the landscape. From the application of specific methodology for evaluation of the city image perception, under two boardings: objective (analysis of the quality and amount) and subjective, the study of case in the central area of Curitiba is developed, on the basis of research of field, established, also, as basic instrument for urban managers. For the found results, the reasonable degree of the population satisfaction in relation to the center is verified, although, some times, to have been related the terms of negative position. It is concluded that the urban green areas represent, important elements of conciliation between environments constructed and natural, exerting basic functions of reduction of impacts and the construction of the urban landscape. Therefore, objectifying success in enterprises directed to the management of urban green areas, the public managers, who, in last analysis, have as basic goal physical and psychological well-being of the citizens, they must consider pertinent aspects to the planning and management of the city, facilitating the relationship between the involved ones and optimizing available time and resources.


planejamento urbano - curitiba (pr) drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais monumentos naturais paisagens

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