Áreas contaminadas e os riscos socioambientais em São Paulo / Contaminated sites and socioenvironmental risks in São Paulo




The process of industrial development, which incorporated the technical-scientific knowledge, generated undoubtedly several advances to the humankind; however, it also ended up producing a series of risks, the environmental ones among them, which affect directly the own man. The soil and groundwater contamination contribute to enlarge the range of these risks, particularly in the great urban centers, where the industry was present. The industrial desconcentration reveals more clearly this environmental issue, as many plots previously occupied by industrial activity begin to receive new uses. The purpose of this work is to show the relationship between the industrial society development and the construction of the contemporary society, also known as risk society, and from this point, to demonstrate the existence of a territoriality of the risk in São Paulo, originating in the soil and groundwater contamination. The environmental public policies will be also discussed, in particular those ones aiming at contaminated sites management in São Paulo.


environmental public policies environmental risks contaminated sites Áreas contaminadas políticas públicas ambientais riscos ambientais

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