Architecture in São Paulo during Vargas period Art Déco and fascist architecture in public buildings (1930-1945) / Arquitetura em São Paulo na Era Vargas - o art déco e a arquitetura fascista nos edifícios públicos (1930 -1945)




The objective of this study is the analysis of five works of architecture constructed in the city of São Paulo between 1930 and 1945, years during which Brazil was governed by Getúlio Vargas. The works selected for this study were Pacaembu Stadium, the Municipal Library, the Trianon Tunnel, the Viaduto do Chá, and the Bandeiras Bridge, all constructed by the São Paulo municipal government during the mayorships of Fabio Prado and Francisco Prestes Maia. Using the theories of David Harvey and Robert O. Paxton, the study defines the political and economic moment in which the projects were constructed in the city, taking into consideration the relation between the Brazilian state and architecture in São Paulo.


arquitetura fascista art déco art déco getúlio vargas fascist architecture getúlio vargas

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