Aprimoramento do controle de qualidade do minério no planejamento de lavra de curto prazo: estudo de caso. / Improvement of the quality control of mining en the planning of short term - cause study.




Improve knowledge of the ore mined is a challenge faced daily by mining companies. This paper is a study in apatite mine, located in the city of Cajati, within São Paulo,propriety of Bunge Fertilizantes S/A, where are treated issues related to short term planning of the mine to improve procedures for collecting dust samples drilling, which are systematically collected for the purpose of quality control of mining, contributing to an effective improvement in the management of planning of mining and decision making. The results show that the way the sampling is done, there is an enrichment of content in P2O5, which can lead to making wrong decisions by the operation of the mine.


controle de qualidade da lavra amostragem de pó-de-perfuratriz quality control of mining planejamento de lavra de curto prazo dust samples drilling mine planning

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