Aprender com o corpo: estabelecendo relações entre a psicologia analítica e as técnicas corporais taoístas / Learning with the body: establishing relations between analytical psychology and taoist body techniques




The present research consists of a theoretical study that intends to relate the principles which guide the body techniques based on taoist philosophy to some concepts of the analytical psychology. As a main point, it is centered on the process of the personality development. In order to systematize the subject through the analysis of some topics, a bibliographic review has been made. It begins with the taoist therapeutic body technique qigong (chi kun) being historically situated. Then, it approaches the clinical researches that intend to validate its therapeutic effects and, mainly, with the exploration of some philosophical concepts in which it is based. After that, the psychosomatic perspective is focused as a reference to the healthiness and illness processes, and some psychological body techniques, such as the relaxation, are emphasized. Beginning with those elements, relations between taoist body and meditative techniques and the individuation process have been identified in C.G. Jung´s studies. The body, considered as an intervention instrument, through the exercises of relaxation, stretching, breathing and meditation can explain the taoist body techniques regarding its therapeutic benefits as a way to pursuit the energy harmony, called qi, as well as the yin and yang aspects, which would culminate not only in the body health but also in the psychic harmony gained by the identification with a major consciousness called Tao in that philosophy. On the other hand, analytical psychology gives more attention to the body manifestations as symbolic expressions, since the body work in this approach intends to facilitate the dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious aspects of personality, aiming at increasing the integration between them, what meets the essence of the individuation process. Thus, it has been observed that, regarding body and psychic development, both approaches may converge, provided that their peculiarities are respected. There is not only a parallel, but also a complementarity between the individuation process concept described in the analytical psychology and the aims and methods of development proposed by taoist philosophers. Moreover, this research indicates the need for further studies which are able to identify more precisely the contribution of Eastern thoughts, mainly of the taoist philosophy, to Jung´s theorical work, as well as the influence of Jung´s thoughts in the Western interpretation of taoist philosophy.


distúrbios psicossomáticos jung carl gustav 1875-1961 taoísmo individuation (psychology) individuação (psicologia) body therapy (psychotherapy) taoism jung carl gustav 1875-1961 terapia corporal (psicoterapia) psychosomatic disorders

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