Aprendendo a ser professor : dificuldades e iniciativas na construção da práxis pedagógica do professor iniciante




Having in view that initial and continued training of teacher has provoked many controversies and the research on the teacher in beginning of career has made advances for reflection concerning the pedagogical practice and the training of teachers, this study searches to investigate how it develop the construction of the pedagogical práxis from the beginning teacher. The theory is about a qualitative research having as episthemologic axle as expression of the practical one. To collect the data techniques of Focal Group had been used as the half-structuralized interviews. The research was carried out in schools from the City Net of Education from a far district of a great city, that has its teaching teams consisting by a great number of just-formed professionals, living deeply its first professional experience in the teaching. The study looked for to understand where and how theacher it makes teacher, delineates its main difficulties in this professional phase and its initiatives to face them. The main authors who had served of support for the study had been Cavaco, 1990; Cavaco, 1995; Guarnieri, 1996; Huberman, 1992; Marcelo Garcia, 1999; Vázquez, 1977; Veiga, 1989; Martins, 1989; Candau, 1997; Imbernón, 2002; Ludke, 1997; Gatti, 1997; Alarcão, 1998 and Nóvoa, 1995. The study it showed that the given conditions where the teacher initiates its career, the shock with the reality is brutal. Most of the time, professionals come across with precarious life situations surrounded the school. Moreover, almost always the beginning assumes the worse groups, the worse schedules and the worse conditions of work. Not withstanding the adverse conditions of work of these teachers, them take initiatives to make front to result from there difficulties, searching the contribution of other beginning teachers and the pedagogical team, or still creating informal nets of training, through the contact with people of are of the school that has experience in the teaching, beyond the independent search for complementary training. And in this process of search goes learning to be a teacher.


professores - formação educacao professores e alunos ensino superior educação permanente

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