Aplicação da economia do crime no Brasil / Economics of crime application in Brazil




This paper applies the theory known as economics of crime in Brazil. In order to achieve that and following Becker (1968), Hinderlang et al. (1978) and Cohen et al. (1981), the impact of macro and microeconomic factors were tested. First, data from the Ministry of Health and Justice and Institute of Geography and Statistics were used to estimate the determinants of mortality rate by assault (which includes homicides and injuries), criminality rate proxy in Brazil, using the System Generalized Method of Moments, for the period between 1996 and 2004. After that, the research of victimization (applied in Sao Paulo in 2003 by Instituto Futuro Brasil IFB) was used in a effort to identify the determinants of victimization and police notification, using probit model. The estimatives indicate that the mortality for aggression rate, used as proxy of crime, increases when income inequality and previous crime rate increase, while it decreases when education level and the efficiency of justice increase. The main results suggest the factors which impact significantly the probability of victimization are: gender, age, race, religion, state and country of birth, marital status, social condition, education level, position in the market place, characteristics of the environment where the person lives and habits, like consume of alcoholic beverage the significance of these variables depends on the type of crime in question. The models of life style and opportunity seem to have good performance


vitimização economia do crime subnotificação economics of crime underreporting determinantes da criminalidade panel data determinants os criminality dados em painel victimization economia

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