Anúncios publicitários, leitura e educação de jovens e adultos




This Dissertation has its place in the line of research of Reading, Writing and Education of Portuguese Language, the Program of Studies Postgraduates in Portuguese Language of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. The corpus has four advertisements from a didactic book of Portuguese Language supplied by the City hall of São Paulo and is destined to Adult and Young Education of Cycle II 1 and 2 terms of Elementary Education. The problem that guides the research is to know that the reading methodology proposal for the respective book collaborates with a significant development of the reader and contributes to become him an active and autonomous reader. This study intends to contribute for the elaboration of news strategies related to the reading practical activities, by building sense through the linguistic resources present in the texts. The analysis focuses specific elements to this kind of advertisement and the necessity of knowing the customer and how to influence his behavior and make him begins or continues the consumption of the product or announced service; it explores the production of feeling mechanisms through linguistic marks for persuasion effect and allows to arrive in an implicit way; it makes a small inventory of possible deal objects (premises) presents in a text, as well as kinds of arguments that depends on an efficient argument. So, this suggestion of a new methodology to the reading practice is not only destined to this kind of advertisement, but it can be used for other kinds of works in the classroom. Its necessary to create propitious conditions to the pupils and make them know the specificities of the genders to be worked and transfer their linguistic abilities to the other genders


reading retorica argumentação argument construction of directions lingua portruguesa (ensino fundamental) -- livros didaticos construção de sentidos anuncios leitura publicidade lingua portuguesa

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