Anotações colaborativas como hiperdocumentos de primeira classe na Web Semântica. / Collaborative annotations as first-class hyperdocuments in the Semantic Web.




Annotations have been associated with documents in all the generations of hypermedia systems. This work investigates annotations as first class hyperdocuments based on their semantics: annotations are entities (with their own attributes and operations) in the hypertext form. The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which a well-defined meaning is given to information, allowing the information to be comprehensible not only by humans, but also by machines. This work aims at providing an open service, GroupNote, to support collaborative annotations as first class hyperdocuments in the Semantic Web. The provision of the GroupNote service demanded the conceptual modeling, the definition and implementation of its API. As a case study of the GroupNote service, the WebNote application was built as a tool that allows users to have your own repository of annotations in the Web.


metadados webdav collaborative annotations rdf hiperdocumento anotações colaborativas metadata xml hyperdocument

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