Analysis of reinforced concrete pile-caps behaviour subjected to center top surfaces loading / Análise do comportamento de blocos de concreto armado sobre estacas submetidos à ação de força centrada




This work describes the behavior of rigid reinforced concrete pile-caps with one, two, three, four and five piles subjected to patches of loading on the center top surfaces of the column. Programs based on finite elements method were used to obtain numerical results and results obtained by means of analytic models were used. A comparative analysis was developed among the processes adopted in design, which large variability of the results was verified. An elastic linear behavior of the material was adopted for numerical analysis and interest results were stress paths along main directions. Piles diameters and column dimensions of the models were been varied, in order to verify the differences in the formation of the regions and trajectories of stress. It is ended that used the truss model is simplified. Some suggestions were made for the use of a more refined strut-and-tie model than the one used in design and it was possible the verification of the variation geometry of piles and columns influence. It was still made a revision of the reinforcement layouts. The conclusion for adopted five-pile-caps was that the behavior is not exactly as considered in the practice


blocos sobre estacas footings fundações strut-and-tie concreto armado pile-caps reinforced concrete bielas e tirantes

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