Analysis of poetry as a way of mans renovation and view as a linking between word and reader and between human being and the other : Roseana Murray, Bartolomeu Campos Queirós e José Jorge Letria" / A poética da delicadeza e do essencial: Roseana Murray, Bartolomeu Campos Queirós e José Jorge Letria




This critical essay analyses poetry as a way of mans renovation and view as a linking between word and reader and between human being and the other in works Receitas de Olhar, Manual de delicadeza de A a Z, Recados do corpo e da alma by Roseana Murray; O olho de vidro do meu avô by Bartolomeu Campos Queirós and Versos de fazer ó-ó e A Borboleta com asas de vento by José Jorge Letria as a way of reclaiming the need of poetic text since childhoods beginning. It is shown, in these works, the search of humans essentiality, the desire of seeing the non-seeing. This way, in the first chapter, we present the literatures integrating function, emphasizing its humanizing and literary character. The second chapter adds to the first, presenting the poetrys renovating function which inserts the man in contact with his humanity. The third chapter shows the works of Roseana Murray that engage the meeting by himself and with another. In the forth chapter, we present, in the works of José Jorge Letria, the book as a conductor of mother-baby relation and poetry as a linking to inside, in this chapter, there is also the poetic making in the work A Borboleta com Asas de Vento. The fifth and last one shows Bartolomeu Campos Queirósworks that bring up the eye as a metaphor or himself and others discovery


bartolomeu campos queirós; josé jorge letria; poetry; roseana murray; view bartolomeu campos queirós; josé jorge letria; olhar; poesia; roseana murray

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