Analysis of obstetrical and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women post renal transplantation / Análise dos resultados maternos e perinatais das gestantes transplantadas renais




Introduction: The pregnancy after organ transplant has become very common, especially after the technical advance related to new immunosuppressive therapy on the transplant. Objective: Analysis of the maternal and pregnancy outcomes of the patients that has renal transplant. Method: During the period between 1995 and 2007, it was analyzed retrospectively all the patient submitted on renal transplant, and also has had delivery in the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School. Results: We have obtained a total of 31 pregnancies in 22 patients. The average age was 29 years of age (18- 39). In 52 % of the cases (16 cases) the pregnancy occurred 5 years after the transplant. In 21 patients (68%) the immunosuppressive treatment used was based on ciclosporine, azatioprine and prednisone. The incidence of abortion was 22% (7 cases), that was excluded. The hypertension was present in 21 cases (87,5%), followed by anemia 17 (70,83%) and prematurity 15 (71%). In the beginning of the pre-natal the renal function presented the following: serum urea in the beginning of prenatal care was 45±7,1 mg/dl (28-105)and the time of delivery was 68±27,6 (35-128); serum creatinine in the beginning was 1,28±0,55 mg/dl (0,9-3,6) and the time of delivery was 2,06±1,16 mg/dl (1,12- 6,4);serum uric acid in the beginning of prenatal care was 6,1±1,5 mg/dl (3,5-9,2) and the time of delivery was 8,54±2,79 mg/dl (2-14). The proteinuria 24 hours at the beginning of prenatal care was 0,19±0,09 g/vol.24h (0,03-0,31) and the time of delivery was 1,34±0,96 g/vol.24h (0,11-3,65). Cesarean section was performed in 16 (66%) cases, vaginal delivery in 8 (33%). The mean gestational age at delivery was 34,8±2,29 weeks (range: 28-38) and the mean birthweight at delivery was 2366,5±261,6g (range 1100-4650). The neonatal complications were observed during the study: ictericia 15 (71,5%); respiratory distress 10 (47,6%); hipoglicemia 5 (23,8%); anemia 4 (19%), orotracheal intubation 3 (14,3%), use of NPP 3 (14,3%), hipocalcemie 3 (14,3); pneumonie 2 (9,5%); intracranial hemorrhage 1 (4,8%) e sepses 1 (4,8). Occurred 3 fetal deaths. Conclusion: in the study the statistics of neonatal success was 88%, the most frequent maternal complication was the hypertension. The immunosuppressive therapy utilized didnt cause fetal malformation and the neonatal morbid was associated with prematurity complications itself in 15 cases (71%).


hypertension pregnancy-induced pregnancy outcome transplante de rim resultado da gravidez hipertensão induzida pela gravidez renal transplant gravidez pregnancy

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