Analysis of equations for estimation of stature and body fat percentile for children from 6 to 10 years old / Análise de equações para estimativa de estatura e percentual de gordura corporal em crianças de 6 a 10 anos




The present work analyzed available equations in the literature for height estimate and evaluation of the percentile of children s body fat from 6 to 10 years old. The sample consisted of 404 children from public schools, whose were eutrophic for the Body Mass Index /Age and Stature/Age of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS 2000). To analyze the equations of height estimate, were collected height data, knee height with the sitting and lying position, leg length, arm height and length and ulna length of 404 children from 6 to 10 incomplete years old. For the equations of body composition, there were analyzed 119 children, whom it was obtained data of age, body height, weight, triceps, biceps, subscapular, suprailic and the calf skinfold and analyzed leg-to-leg (Tanita) and tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance, being this last one considered as reference method. The statistical analysis consisted of Coefficient of Correlation of Pearson, paired t-test, Test t of Student, calculation of the Standard Error of the Estimate and test of Bland-Altman. It was verified that the equations of stature estimate that better were correlated with the real stature of the appraised infantile population (r >0,97; p <0,001), whose differences among the averages esteemed and real was not statistically significant, it was the one developed by Chumlea et al. (1994) for the white children [Boys: E=40,54 + (2,22.AJ); Girls: E=43,21 + (2,15.AJ)], being used the right knee height measure in the sitting position or the left knee height in the lying position, obtained with a pachymeter. It is important caution in relation to the classification of the nutritional state using indexes starting from those estimates, as Body Mass Index /Age, because they can provoke inadequate conducts of the professionals of health due to the children s erroneous classification as presenting overweight or low weight. Like this, it is important the evaluation of other parameters of evaluation of the nutritional state - biochemical, dietary and clinical, to make the nutritional diagnosis. It was observed that among all of the equations of estimate of the corporal composition analyzed in this study, those that presented better correlation with the bioelectrical impedance - comparison method used, were the equations of Slaugther et al. (1988) that use triceps, biceps, subscapular and the calf skinfold as predictor variables. For the female sex is recommended the equation that uses the triceps and subscapular skinfold {[%GC = 1,33 (PCT + PCSe) 0,013 (PCT + PCSe)2 2,5] if ∑ PCT + PCSe <35 mm; and [%GC = 0,546(PCT + PCSe) + 9,7; if ∑ PCT + PCSe >35 mm]}, and for the male sex the one that uses the triceps and calf skinfold [%GC = 0,735(PCT + PCPan) + 1,0]. However, it is worth to emphasize the need of validation of the equations of estimate of the percentile of corporal fat in comparison with more accurate methods of evaluation of the corporal composition, because the tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance is a method validated for the clinical practice and not for population studies.


body fat percentile gordura corporal crianças estatura children nutrition nutrição nutricao stature estimation estimativa

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