Análise política, econômica e ambiental da nova política energética européia: um enfoque sobre a indústria brasileira de bioetanol.




This paper provides an analysis of the political, environmental and economic implications of the new European energy policy for the Brazilian bioethanol industry. It begins with a description of the new European legal framework as it pertains to the biofuel industry as well the current developments in this sector of the European market. It provides an estimate of the consumption of bioethanol in the European market for the year 2020, using the Box-Jenkins methodology for times series analysis. Based on the results of this projection and the share of renewable energy in the total consumption of fuels established by the European legislation, the increase of Brazilian ethanol exports to the European market is estimated. The paper then discusses the comparative advantage of the Brazilian bioethanol industry as a supplier to the European market, describing the role of the national program for alcohol (Próalcool) in this context. Finally, the increasing cooperation in R&D between Brazil and the European Union in the bioethanol sector is considered, including an analysis of the European direct investment in the Brazilian sugarcane industry. Based on this analysis, the study suggests that Brazil will be an important exporter of bioethanol to the European market until 2020, thereby enabling the European member states to achieve the objective of 10% of renewable energies in the transport sector. Furthermore, the new European energy policy may provide the needed inputs for enabling Brazilian bioethanol to achieve the certification of environmental sustainability.


biocombustíveis certificação ambiental política energética economia bioethanol environmental certification biofuels energy policy european union sugarcane industry bioetanol união européia indústria sucroalcooleira brasil brazil

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