Analise parametrica da estabilidade de plataformas ferroviarias degradadas / Parametric evaluation of degraded railway subgrade stability




This study deals with an evaluation of subgrade capacity by determining the circular rupture stability risk of a slope adjacent to a railway yard track subject the tensions of a loaded gondola car parked in this track. The Eisenmann method is applied for determination of tensions at the railway subgrade and the tensions are calculated by means Carothers-Terzaghi equations. The analysis of circular failure risk is made by means of the computer software Geoslope-Slope/W version 6. After calculating the safety factors for many situations, the results are evaluated to stablish the stability risks of the slope adjacent to the railway track


engenharia ferroviaria rupture circle railway yard track ferrovias cisalhamento dos solos degraded railway track fundações (engenharia)

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