Analise energetica de plantas de produção de cimento Portland




This work presents an energetic analysis of the production processes of Portland Cement, based in the evaluation of the efficiency through the second law of thermodynamics and the concepts of rational efficiency and thermoeconomy. The characteristics of the raw materiaIs, the reactions of their compounds in the clinker manufacturing, and the fuels used are discussed, pointing their relations with the energy consumption in the processo The characteristics of the four main manufacturing processes are discussed, taking into account the preparation of the raw materials, the specific heat and electric energy consumption, getting informations for the energetic efficiency analysis. Results are presented about the exergetic efficiency of the four processes: wet and semi-wet kilns, Lepol kiln, dry process with cyclone preheater and precalciner. The results of the thermoeconomic analysis are presented for the same processes; the exergetic efficiency, the unit exergetic cost, the energetic cost of production, etc. The emissions of the pollutants in each process are shown and the ways of diminishing them are discussed.


termodinamica cimento portland processos irreversiveis energia fornos combustiveis poluentes

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