Análise do potencial pedagógico de espaços não-formais de ensino para o desenvolvimento da temática da biodiversidade e sua conservação / The pedagogical potential of non-formal teaching spaces for the development of the thematic of the biodiversity and its preservation




The specialized literature presents the importance of zoological gardens, museums, aquaria and botanical gardens as tools for the preservation, education and research involving the knowledge of the species. Concomitantly, there has been a significant increase in the preoccupation with the environmental issue, proclaiming education, with considerable frequency, a key-area to face this new challenge. In this context it is possible to observe an extension of the concept of education which is no longer restricted to the scholastic level, providing the growth of non-formal spaces dedicated to teaching, especially those related to the environment. Nevertheless, few studies about its educative potential have been made. This work analyzed the pedagogical potential of four institutions that exhibits biodiversity located on the coast of São Paulo: the Parque Ecológico Voturuá (Ecological Park Voturuá) in São Vicente, the Jardim Botânico Chico Mendes (Botanical Garden Chico Mendes) in Santos, the Museu de Pesca (Fishing Museum) in Santos and the Acqua Mundo (Acqua World) in Guarujá. Futhermore, Biodiversity and your preservation conceptions in the institutions were investigated. For such porpose, three aspects of these institutions were analyzed for this research: the exhibition locations, the written materials that present the objective and their activities, and the discourse of the professionals directly involved with the planning, handling and communication of the collections. The data analysis was carried out through a qualitative approach of the educational research, seeking the meanings of institutions given to the thematic of the biodiversity and the issue of its preservation, verifying the pedagogical potential of these non-formal spaces dedicated to teaching. For such purpose, written materials were analyzed such as: technical and pedagogical documents, information leaflets and others; observation visits, questionnaires and interviews analysis were made. The theoretical sources used in the analysis of the meanings were based on authors who question the concepts of biodiversity, the man and nature relations, the concepts of nature preservation and, therefore, of biodiversity, and who analyze non-formal teaching spaces. Despite contemplating different universes of performance, it was possible to identify common characteristics within a great diversity of activities offered in those places. All of them, from this analysis, present educative potential for the development of the thematic of biodiversity. However, the most emphasized role before the media is frequently that of entertainment, focusing their multiple attractions, composed of living beings, in their different forms of preservation. Such emphasis influences the exhibitions which are constantly at the mercy of the local policies, without even managing, sometimes, to establish a greater objective or a proper identity, depending directly on the philosophy established by the director of each institution. This approach may have been developed from our own representations of the various forms of nature which have accompanied us through time. Nevertheless, despite this difficult reality, these places have been progressively sought by the scholastic public and they have succeeded in establishing expression from innovative and relevant educational exp eriences which have been eventually compared with their existing paradigms and exert constant pressure so that a change of the institutional settings may take place.


conservação pedagogical potential botanical and zoological gardens educação não-formal aquário preservation biodiversidade potencial pedagógico educação environmental education non-formal education biodiversity educacação ambiental aquaria fishing museum jardim botânico zoológico museu

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