Analise do metodo de acrescimo e decrescimo para ensaios de impulso : simulação computacional e sua comparação com ensaios em "gaps" do tipo haste-haste




It is realized an analysis of the up-and-down method used in impulse tests to determine the critical flashover voltage V50% In self-restorlng insulations. The analysis is made by comparing the resu1ts of V50% and the standard derivation sigma obtained by computaclonal slimulation of the up-and-down method according to the NBR-5389/81 standard and tests results in rod-rod and rod-plane: electrods systems. These tests have also been performed according to the NBR-5389/81 standard, havlng by the parameters the number of impulse applications (N), the voltage step (d) and initial voltage (VI). The results indicate that the parameters N, d, Vi have a great influency in the V50% and sigma values and that also have a great inter-relation within then. That means for instance, to a given N, exist well definite values of d and VI that should carry to a satisfatory results of V50% and vice-versa. On the other hand the results obtained in simulations and tests show high values of dispersion of standard deviation wich agrees with many existents works on the subject as well the up-and-down method allow a satisfactory determination of the V50% voltage, but is not appropriate for the standard deviation calculation.


deformações e tensões engenharia eletrica simulação (computadores)

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