Análise do livro "Coerção e suas implicações". de M. Sidman, 1995




In the present study, the book ?Coercion and its fallout?, from Murray Sidman, had been analyzed. Sidman (1989/1995) was concerned about showing: (a) the frequency that coercion occurs, which is defined for him like the use of negative reinforcement and punishment contingencies, (b) the unlike coercion?s effects and (c) indicate the use of procedures based on reinforcement contingencies like the best alternative for behavioral interventions. The objective of this research was study Sidman?s book ?Coercion and its fallout?, verifying significant different positions of other authors, about certain complexes themes, treated for Sidman in this book. For that, Sidman?s book and other texts were analyzed and compared, in a theoric-conceptual study. Two bibliographic researches were made, a first one, which results involved the development of study?s themes, and a complementary one, which results consisted on texts more specific to the themes developed. This complementary research included aversive control key-words and also key-words from other areas. The general results were the development of eight study themes. Four of these eight themes refer to researcher?s considerations and the other four, to comparatives between Sidman?s positions and other authors about aversive control. The results show the following Sidman?s positions, in this book, that have been discussed by other authors: Sidman don?t see punishment like effective for maintaining behavioral modifications, although other authors defend it?s effective in certain specific conditions; appoints only undesirable effects of aversive contingencies, although other authors presents the possibility of aversive contingencies produce also desirable effects; recommends the substitution of procedures based on aversive contingencies for interventions based on positive reinforcement, discussing only superficially the undesirable effects of positive reinforcement, a debate that other authors have made. One of the selected themes was detached because it presents a major debate in the actual literature: it?s about the usual difference made between positive and negative reinforcement. Some authors argue that the distinction is ambiguous and that it could be even abandoned; others, including Sidman (2006), present many justifies for its continuous use. We hope that the debates and the clarifies about conceptual questions about the book ?Coercion and its fallout?, here presented, can contribute with behavioral analysts professionals, in the sense of estimate better the contributions and the limits of the book here studied can offers them.


controle aversivo (psicologia) aversive control comportamento - avaliação behavioral evaluation aversive control

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