Analise de uma ação didatica centrada na utilização da historia da ciencia : uma contribuição para a formação inicial do docente de fisica




The purpose of this research was to insert the discussion on the History of Science in Science Education in a subject of Practical of the Physics in Education course. Thus, we suggest a course plan on gravitational attraction that can help prospective teachers? education. The work was developed with a sample of eleven pupils of the course of Physics of the UNESP - Bauru. The methodological trends of this research are the qualitative aspect and the study of case. We began this work revealing the conceptions that the prospective teachers? have which supplied a panorama that could be used to guide the activities from the reality. Also, we where to promote discussions on the existence and persistence of the alternative conceptions, on the historical evolution of the subject gravitational attraction, beyond readings and debates of texts contemplating recent subjects on the Science Education, in order to generate dissatisfaction with the traditional model of education. Moreover, we intended to allow that the individual constructed new a proposal through the development in real situations in High School of a mini-course based on: debates and synthesis developed in classroom, the History of the Science and the alternative conceptions of the students. The proposals of mini-courses developed by the students, beyond the comparison between the initial and final conceptions allowed us to evidence the relations between the primitive ideas and the students? mini curses proposals. As results, just four participants had developed a proposal plane teaching more directed toward the constructivist perspective, but without, however to abandon completely the oppositions to the innovative methodologies of education


ciencia - historia gravidade (fisica) study and teaching gravity construtivism (education) physics history science construtivismo (educação) fisica - estudo e ensino

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