Analise de um site educacional : o exemplo do projeto descobrir e viver a cidade de São Paulo




The website ‘Descobrir e Viver a Cidade de São Paulo’ was developed in order to offer didactical material that attended the proposals of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais and to contribute to the insertion of the educational use of the Internet in the 1st and 2nd cycles of fundamental education. This research analyses if and how the earlier mentioned website fitted those educational references, and if the website potential of interactivity reached its goal at those schools that adopted it during the year of 1999. This analyses leads to the conclusion that teachers should have a more critical approaching to the educational proposals presented by the Government and that the website was used only as a ‘electronic billboard’ whose interactive potential didn’t come true.


internet (redes de computação) educação inovações tecnologicas ensino de primeiro grau sites da web ensino auxiliado por computador

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