Análise de risco de favelização : instrumento de gestão do desenvolvimento local sustentável




This research aims to structure a conceptual basis in order to concept a model for preventional instrument of urban gestion, called Slum Risk Analyses, more especific in understanding the phenomelogicols of urbanization and reurbanization process, considering a slum as a simbolic unit of measuremnet of the vulnerabilidade of this one, understanding the urban conceptual model of susteanable development, through system analyses; concepting a structual arrangement of this conceptual bases and, at last, identifing the risk facts and, therefore, identifing the begining of the slum process. In order to atempt these aims, this research was developed deeper, as a theorical and conceptual bases, of social and actual historical contextualization of the slums and its fenomenous, of city systems analyses, of their susteneable development and the risk analyses considering expectatives and opportunities proporcioned by it. It was considered the following principles: complex causuality, equality, precaution and city. At this way, indeed, it is a research almost experimental, the revision of the theorical-conceptual basis, which ones are the fundamentation of inderdisciplinar state of art, its fusion and costumization from the following methodological moments: construction of a macro-process view that shows the vulnerability of the urban environmental system, considering a slum as the measure unit; sistematization of the susteanable development concepts; contextualized by the compromissos of 21 Agenda; related and classified through the many analistics dimentions of a determinated urban environmental system and according to dwelers participation level; beeing in opposition of the analyses of this systematization, considering the principle of no equivalation, and behind these, analytical dimentions, at last, identification and classification of the factors that causes slums, representing what could be the begining of it. Indeed, the propolsal is the present conceptual conected structure, which one results an instrument of local susteanable urban gestion that needs to be validaded. It has the presupposition of the precaution no agreement principle and desorned growth urban effects. Theses aspects thought in sinergy orders the formation of these social dwelers through a contra-analyses perspective, or the analyses of the vulnerability state of a determinated environmental urban social system, its risks, focalizated in slum risk analyses.


favelas planejamento urbano política urbana avaliação de riscos desenvolvimento sustentável drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais

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