Análise de provas de carga dinâmica em tubulões a céu aberto no campo experimental de fundações da EESC/USP / Analysis of dynamic loading test in large diameter bored piles, in the experimental field of EESC




The concept of an isolated foundation element in large diameter bored pile is presented and 10 dynamic loading tests with increased energy are analysed. The interpretation of the dynamic loading tests has been proceeded with due consideration of the results of static loading tests performed previously. The loading tests have been carried out in large diameter bored piles founded in Rio Claro and Itaqueri soil formation, situated in the experimental foundation field of USP/EESC. The analyses are based on resistance x displacement curves and selected graphics illustrating the development of mobilized resistance with increasing applied energy during a dynamic loading test (PDA methodology and CAPWAP type analysis). The influence of previous inundation in soil mass and suction variation are also analysed, as well as the effect of test repetition and variability in SPT and CPT results. The results obtained with the dynamic loading tests with increasing energy revealed a distinct behaviour of the isolated foundation system for each level of applied energy, showing that the loading history is an aspect of extreme relevance to an adequate analysis of the dynamic tests perfomed.


unsaturated soil prova de carga estática prova de carga dinâmica tubulões a céu aberto solo não-saturado static load test dynamic loading test large diameter bored piles

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