AnÃlise de focalizaÃÃo e sua aplicaÃÃo para o caso do Programa Bolsa FamÃlia




Given the persistence of poverty in the world social policies direct to reduce its intensity have been adopted recently. I particular, Brazil has adopted direct conditional income transference programs. These policies resulted in poverty and inequaliy reductions. But several studies showed that these policies present targeting problems, that is, the poor are not correctly identified resulting in leakages and lost resources. Income adopted as a single or principal criteria can be manipulated. Thus, we have as a main objective an analyzis of elegibility criteria for income transference programs to phocus transferencies to the poorest. In particular, the program Bolsa-FamÃlia is analysed and more efficient criteria to target beneficiaries are identified. The method of proxy-means-tested, developed from the model originally proposed by Glewwe is used, consisting of a minimization of a poverty index given a budget constraint. PNAD data is used, the supplementary data for 2004, because it contains detailed information on beneficiaries of the analysed program. Results show that, in general, when caracteristics of family composition are used to define the target population poverty index improve more. Thus, if the objective is to reduce poverty indexes family comprising children from 0 to 18 years should be enphasize in elegibility criteria, as well as the family head that is not the head of the house. Given this conclusion govern is correct in defining conditionalities that phocus children from 0 to 15 years, as in Bolsa-FamÃlia, because of the high negative correlation of children to income. But if the objective is to reduce coverage and leakage errors other chacteristics should be added to better identify the poor. We observe that for each criteria policies should consider different characteristics, there is, it does not exist a single recepie to reduce simultaneously poverty and coverage and leakage errors. The optimal policy depend on the defined objective. Thus it is not easy or trivial to define a income transference policy that minimize poverty and at the same time reduces coverage and leakage errors. Govern shall previously choose the objective for that particular policy; it can phocus more rural or urban areas, for instance. To deal with both urban and rural areas poverty indicators can be distinct. Declared income is not the best alternative to be considered, but a set of characteristics. Results obtained may be of some utility to guide the selection of elegibility criterias for the Bolsa-FamÃlia Program to improve phocalization and reduce leakages


bolsa-famÃlia social policies focalizaÃÃo bolsa-famÃlia targeting economia programas sociais

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