Analise de desempenho do sistema de TV digital DVB-T com entrelaçador temporal em canais com ruido impulsivo




The aim of this work is to study the performance of the European Terrestrial Digital TV system DVB-T, when improved with Time Interleaver similar to Japanese Terrestrial Digital TV System. We contribute with the development of a simulator named (DVBM-T) DVB Modified -T. To test the DVBM-T, two proposals of Channel Estimators (2D jointed with Cubic-Spline and 1D with Piecewice) were tested. The simulation tests were made in Channels with Impulsive Noise, Multipath, Doppler, White Gaussian Noise and otherstypical broadcast channels for Digital TV tests in Brazil. In this work, comparation between domestic receivers DVB-T and ISDB-T with the Modified DVB-T is also showed. The results achieved are presented and discussed.


televisão ruido televisão telecomunicações televisão digital processamento de sinais

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