Análise das potencialidades do setor de turismo na economia brasileira: uma aplicação de modelo de equilíbrio geral computável




The tourism sector has been showing increasing economic performance worldwide, according to theWorld TourismOrganization (WTO –2004). By using a Computable General Equilibrium Model, this paper investigates the impact of a rise in the domestic demand for tourism on the income and the welfare of poor families. We simulate a …scal policy that reduces taxes on the tourism sector and analyze its eects on the domestic demand for tourism as well as policies that raise this demand exogenously. We …nd that the tax reduction on tourism subsectors increases overall tourism consumption, GDP, real wages and real income, but it does not solve the income inequality problem. In all scenarios, the exogenous rise in domestic demand increases non-tourism consumption for the three lowest income levels. It also increases real wages for all income levels. Since in our model an exogenous rise in the domestic demand for tourism increases the consumption of tourism goods by the rich and the real income of the poor, we conjecture that policies aimed at promoting domestic tourism may reduce income inequality.


economia distribuição de renda demanda turística setor de turismo turismo - economia renda - distribuição

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