Análise da utilização de um ambiente virtual: no aperfeiçoamento do professor como educador ambiental




The research evaluates the possibilities and obstacles inherent to the use of a Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) in the continuing education of teachers as environmental educators in public schools in the towns of Itajai, Navegantes, Camboriu and Itapema, in the State of Santa Catarina, during the Development of Materials and Technologies for Environmental Education, by the Research Group in Education, Environmental Studies and Society (GEEAS) of the Masteres Degree in Education at UNIVALI. It investigates how the participants make use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of a VLE, in this case TelEduc, and the cooperative learning experience and interaction between them and with the technical staff. The theoretical background to the research was based mainly on the significant learning approach (AUSUBEL, 1968), the mediated learning approach (FEUERSTEIN, 1991) and cooperative learning approach in VLE (CAMPOS, et al. 2003; GUERRA, 2001, McCONNEL, 1994), among others. The research was qualitative and participatory in nature, and consisted of a document analysis of material produced on the course and the other activities mediated by the virtual environment. Six of the eighteen teachers who took part in the course were interviewed, seeking to identify their learning experiences on the course, the interaction between the participants, and the obstacles and possibilities of VLE in continuing education for Environmental Education (EE). Bardines (2008) procedures were used for the analysis, particularly content analysis. In terms of learning experiences, the results indicate the presence of significant, mediated and cooperative learning. The process of mediation with a VLE proved to be an essentially cooperative work, as in the reports analyzed, cooperation was an aspect that was constantly present in the promotion of learning for the acquisition of knowledge of the generator theme, sustainability, and the promotion of values and actions; it enabled several pedagogical obstacles and difficulties to be overcome, such as a lack of experience in the use of certain technologies, as demonstrated by some of the course participants. The activities undertaken on the course - and benefited from VLE - included the discussion forum, the development of conceptual maps, and banners of the projects developed. The importance of the support material is also emphasized, as it provided access to the portfolios. The main obstacles to the use of the VEL were a lack of knowledge, on the part of some of the course participants, regarding the use of various technologies, although this was a basic prerequisite for participation in the course. The lack of internet access and computers in schools for the virtual meetings was also pointed by the interviewees. Among the possibilities mentioned, the teachers suggested the use of chat, and an improvement to the layout of the environment. Regarding the interaction between the course participants, and with the technical staff, it was observed that all the tools proposed for the course were used, but the diary and the portfolios were the most accessed, and the readings and discussion forum. had the smallest number of accesses. It is concluded that the availability of ICTs, and virtual learning environments alone does not guarantee an innovative practice or significant learning. Rather, it seems that the use of technologies as a resource in continuing education, especially in EE, will only be meaningful if combined with theoretical knowledge and the adoption of innovative approaches for their use


educacao virtual learning environment-vle learning experiences educação ambiental ensino - meios auxiliares continuing education experiências de aprendizagem environmental education formação continuada ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

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