ANÃLISE DA DEMANDA INTERNACIONAL DE PAINÃIS DE FIBRA DE MADEIRA / Analysis of the international demand for wooden fiber boards




This study was conducted with the purpose of estimating, for the several wooden fiber board -importing countries, the replacement elasticities, the income elasticities and the price-elasticities of the total demand of importation and the direct and crossed price-elasticities of the damand for wooden fiber boards, distinguished by country of origin. Data of temporal series concerning the commercial fluxes of the greatest world exporters and importers of wooden fiber boards were used. It follows that there is a poor replacement among the wooden fiber boards offered by the exportera in issue. In Germany, China and the United Kingdon, the total demand of importation of wooden fiber boards was more sensitive to the variations in price than in income, distinguished by country of origin, it was greater than one in almost all the markets, with the exception of both Germany and the United kingdon. The negative value of the crossed price-elasticities suggest that wooden fiber boards imported from other exporting countries are complementar products.


recursos florestais e engenharia florestal comÃrcio internacional. produtos florestais. anÃlise econÃmica. modelo de armington

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