Ambiente de apoio ao desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas e reconfiguráveis utilizando agentes de busca e classificação inteligentes / Environment to aid the development of distributed and reconfigurable applications using software agents to intelligent search and classification




Software engineering area suffered many transformations since its creation. Usually seen as a technique to raise productivity and decrease costs, softwares reusing is one of the main studies in computer field. Since softwares reconfiguration is, in essence, a software reuse, although with some adaptations, this work aims to develop a methodology and a set of tools that speed up and facilitate the process of reuse/reconfiguration of software components. These tools association constitute a mechanism of storing, indexing, search and recovering of software artifacts. This mechanism works with the structure of software projects and also with semantic relationships that exist between the softwares terms. To represent softwares inner structure (features and relationships) a metamodel is used. Semantic relationships are represented by a thesaurus. Finally, all the informations from metamodel and thesaurus are stored in a software repository, which is manipulated by software agents.


reuso de software software reutilization search and classification reflexão computacional computational reflection busca e classificação software reconfiguration reconfiguração de software software agents agentes de software

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