Alveolar gas concentrations of fluorocarbons-11 and -12 in man after use of pressurized aerosols


Draffan, G. H., Dollery, C. T., Williams, Faith M., and Clare, R. A. (1974).Thorax, 29, 95-98. Alveolar gas concentrations of fluorocarbons-11 and -12 in man after use of pressurized aerosols. In dogs, inhalation of fluorocarbon aerosol propellants sensitizes the heart to arrhythmias provoked by intravenous injection of adrenaline. In this research, the concentrations of fluorocarbons-11 and -12, CCl3F and CCl2F2, have been measured in alveolar gas in man after using pressurized aerosol inhalers. Fluorocarbons were measured breath by breath using an AEI MS12 mass-spectrometer modified to allow sampling from a respiratory mouthpiece.

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